Sunday, February 5, 2012

2/5/2012 Introduction to Only Heirlooms

Hi, I want to introduce myself. My name is Ramona and I am the owner of Only Heirlooms. This business is an all woman operation and we sell only heirloom and open pollinated seeds and plants. My husband runs Pase Seeds which he has over 3,000 varieties of seeds. We did have a flourishing retail greenhouse business for over 20 years and then the economy when it started to fail in 2008, it really impacted on our business. All of our customers were getting older and couldn't garden anymore or we had numerous customers state "This is all we have after buying gas for our car" We started hearing more and more of this and decided to take the small part of our business and make it the main focus - seeds. Seeds are affordable ways for the consumer to still have that garden they love so much. My venture into starting an all woman business Only Heirlooms was to help women become independent. I started it in 2009 and still making changes to it. I hire stay at home moms or with little income to package the seeds. They love this as it is giving them some independence and the opportunity for some to stay home with their children. Then in turn we give the customer a good low price for quality seeds. My dream is to not get rich but to help in some small way to make women more independent and able to support themselves when needed. I will be posting every few days as we are into our busy season and growing your garden is coming near! Happy Gardening everyone!!! Remember to take time and stop and smell the flowers!!!